Episode 28 - Are you living in the past?

Are you living in the past?

What's your reaction to that question? What comes up in you? What do you feel in your body?

Most of us (unconsciously) are living in the past. The way that we react to situations, feel about ourselves and the world is being driven by our patterns from the past. But what happens when some of those patterns start getting a bit annoying, unhelpful and cause us more harm than comfort?

In this episode I share an old annoying pattern of mine from the past to show that it’s always possible for us to change and heal.

If you enjoyed this episode, I would love your feedback. You can get in touch with me on Instagram @leahsiandavies, or email me leah@leahsiandavies.co.uk

If you really love the podcast, please consider contributing a donation. This will help me to continue editing, producing and publishing the podcast for your ears to enjoy. You can donate here: paypal.me/leahsiandaviesuk

This podcast is edited and produced by Meghan Hutchins at Making Space VA

Theme music music by Evgenybardyuzha on Pixabay

Leah Davies