Episode 32 - The mind can’t outsmart the body

This one is for you if you are interested in psychology, done some personal development, you've read lots of self-help books, and have a good understanding of where your habits, beliefs and behaviours come from. (eg 'I know why I react this way because my Mum used to say this to me when I was young').

In this episode I talk about ‘What does ‘embodiment’ mean and what’s bread making got to do with it’.

If you enjoyed this episode, I would love your feedback. You can get in touch with me on Instagram @leahsiandavies, or email me leah@leahsiandavies.co.uk

If you really love the podcast, please consider contributing a donation. This will help me to continue editing, producing and publishing the podcast for your ears to enjoy. You can donate here: paypal.me/leahsiandaviesuk

This podcast is edited and produced by Meghan Hutchins at Making Space VA.

Theme music music by Evgenybardyuzha on Pixabay.

Leah Davies