Pain and joy are two sides of the same coin

“We cannot selectively numb our emotions. When we numb our pain we also numb our joy”

Brene Brown

This quote by Brene Brown feels so true to me.

I feel we are living in a society of selective numbing. Where only the positive emotions are acceptable and so we try and keep a lid on the less desirable ones.

But our emotions are energetic. They need to move through our bodies. It takes a lot of energy to surprise an emotion (even if we are doing it unconsciously). So this creates construction in the body and less space for ALL emotions to arise.

Pure joy is expansive and spontaneous.

It arises when we are open and connected.

It arises in a body that knows how to feel and sense and move.

It arises in a nervous system that has the capacity to hold it.

This is the foundation of my work- creating the conditions for people to feel themselves, so that they have the capacity to hold the full spectrum of human emotion.

And I can tell you from personal experience that suppressing the difficult stuff is a one way ticket to killing your joy.

Next week I’m holding a free online introduction to ‘Grief in nature’ where we will be creating the conditions to feel our grief.

  • It will be a gentle introduction to some practices that allow us to to connect to our bodies to feel what they have to say.

  • There will be no expectation to speak unless you want to.

  • And I will also share more about my upcoming ‘Grief in nature’ 4 week group experience thats happening in Cardiff this July.

    If you feel you are disconnected from the grief and loss in your life come along.
    All the info and booking details are here

Leah Davies