Who are you rooting for?

I read a post on Instagram recently that stopped me in my tracks. I had to read it again. It said ‘Why we need community care. Because self-care isn’t enough’.

The reason it struck a cord with me was because it reminded me that no matter how well we take care of ourselves, if we are not connected to others we can never truly thrive.

It also got me thinking about all the people in my life that are going through hard things right now, and how I’m often wondering how I can support them more. I think sometimes we make this complicated, thinking we have to say and do the right things, but mostly people just need to know that their not alone. That someone is on their side. That someone is rooting for them.

I know that one of the most nourishing and supportive things for me when I’m struggling is knowing that my friends want me to win. They want me to have all the goodness in life and that they are rooting for me every step of the way.

And…. sometimes offering support to someone else can turn out to be the best thing for me too. Giving me a sense of value and purpose when I’ve lost my way. This is when self-care turns into community care.

How we feel about ourselves is always in relationship to others because we are social creatures. Even the most introverted of us - we need each other.

So today I encourage you to think of….

Who are you rooting for? Who are the ones that you wholeheartedly want to win at life? The ones that you wish all the love and health and enjoyment for. Reach out in any way that you can to let them know this. It really will make their day.


Who is rooting for you? Who is on your side? Who are the ones that want you to win? Remind yourself of this. You are loved and supported more than you know. Allow yourself to feel that.

Leah Davies