Why is it so hard to pause?

I was at a lovely business community event yesterday where I had the chance to speak and share my business story. Something that we talked about was how do we remember to pause and take time for ourselves in our busy days?

I think that firstly we need to understand why it’s so hard to pause, to stop, to slow down, to take a break.

With the best intentions, you might really want to have more downtime in your days. You might want to sit and enjoy a cuppa, meditate, take a nap, sit in the garden, go for a walk, slowly eat your lunch.

But something in you drives you to keep going.

It tells you….

‘We don’t have enough time’.

‘We are behind’

‘We are lazy’

‘We are selfish’

‘If we stop, it’s hard to get going again’

And as well as these thoughts, our bodies can feel rushed, tense, on edge, restless.

I want you to know none of these thoughts and feelings are coming from you.

This is not you.

This is a result of deep social and cultural conditioning passed down over generations.

It is not our human nature.

Our human nature is to move between activity and rest - often.

Not before 9am and after 5pm.

Not before Monday and after Friday.

But in tune with our natural rhythms - our bodily impulses, circadian rhythms, monthly cycles, the lunar cycle, the seasons.

So remember, that drive within you that tells you to keep going - is not you.

Ok, so now how do you want to spend your days?

Where and when do you want to pause?

Where do you want to make space?

Start by listening to your body - When are you tired? Hungry? Thirsty? Cold? Warm?

As much as is possible, even just 10%, follow those impulses and you’ll no longer need to wrestle with that old conditioning.

This is what we practice in our New moon resting sessions. How to pause and build rest into our lives.

Leah Davies